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The /whois Use Case

This DID Method introduces what we hope will be a widely embraced convention for all DID Methods -- the /whois path. This feature harkens back to the WHOIS protocol that was created in the 1970s to provide a directory about people and entities in the early days of ARPANET. In the 80's, whois evolved into RFC920 that has expanded into the global whois feature we know today as RFC3912. Submit a whois request about a domain name, and get back the information published about that domain.

We propose that the /whois path for a DID enable a comparable, decentralized, version of the WHOIS protocol for DIDs. Notably, when <did>/whois is resolved (using a standard DID service that follows the Linked-VP specification), a Verifiable Presentation (VP) may be returned (if published by the DID Controller) containing Verifiable Credentials with the DID as the credentialSubject, and the VP signed by the DID. Given a DID, one can gather verifiable data about the DID Controller by resolving <did>/whois and processing the returned VP. That's powerful -- an efficient, highly decentralized, trust registry. For did:tdw, the approach is very simple -- transform the DID to its HTTPS equivalent, and execute a GET <https>/whois. Need to know who issued the VCs in the VP? Get the issuer DIDs from those VCs, and resolve <issuer did>/whois for each. This is comparable to walking a CA (Certificate Authority) hierarchy, but self-managed by the DID Controllers -- and the issuers that attest to them.

The following is a use case for the /whois capability. Consider an example of the did:tdw controller being a mining company that has exported a shipment and created a "Product Passport" Verifiable Credential with information about the shipment. A country importing the shipment (the Importer) might want to know more about the issuer of the VC, and hence, the details of the shipment. They resolve the <did>/whois of the entity and get back a Verifiable Presentation about that DID. It might contain:

  • A verifiable credential issued by the Legal Entity Registrar for the jurisdiction in which the mining company is headquartered.
  • Since the Importer knows about the Legal Entity Registrar, they can automate this lookup to get more information about the company from the VC -- its legal name, when it was registered, contact information, etc.
  • A verifiable credential for a "Mining Permit" issued by the mining authority for the jurisdiction in which the company operates.
  • Perhaps the Importer does not know about the mining authority for that jurisdiction. The Importer can repeat the /whois resolution process for the issuer of that credential. The Importer might (for example), resolve and verify the did:tdw DID for the Authority, and then resolve the /whois DID URL to find a verifiable credential issued by the government of the jurisdiction. The Importer recognizes and trusts that government's authority, and so can decide to recognize and trust the mining permit authority.
  • A verifiable credential about the auditing of the mining practices of the mining company. Again, the Importer doesn't know about the issuer of the audit VC, so they resolve the /whois for the DID of the issuer, get its VP and find that it is accredited to audit mining companies by the London Metal Exchange according to one of its mining standards. As the Importer knows about both the London Metal Exchange and the standard, it can make a trust decision about the original Product Passport Verifiable Credential.

Such checks can all be done with a handful of HTTPS requests and the processing of the DIDs and verifiable presentations. If the system cannot automatically make a trust decision, lots of information has been quickly collected that can be passed to a person to make such a decision.

The result is an efficient, verifiable, credential-based, decentralized, multi-domain trust registry, empowering individuals and organizations to verify the authenticity and legitimacy of DIDs. The convention promotes a decentralized trust model where trust is established through cryptographic verification rather than reliance on centralized authorities. By enabling anyone to access and validate the information associated with a DID, the "/whois" path contributes to the overall security and integrity of decentralized networks.